“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”
Security Expert Witness
It is recognized that the task of the Forensic Consultant is one of education. Forensic Consultants will provide their opinion(s) to the client, to opposing counsel during deposition, in response to written interrogatories, in reports, and to the judge and jury at trial or any other lawfully convened hearing. This is done with the goal of making others aware of the security issues and contributing to a just and proper conclusion on the litigation.
Our consultants use the International Association of Professional Security Consultants' consensus-based and peer-reviewed Best Practice for Forensic Methodology.
“Michael is an exceptional consultant and advisor, with the technical depth to hold his own with anyone, yet be able to abstract that to the level of anyone he is working with.”
Subject Matter Expertise
Security subject matter expertise is offered to the insurance industry in support of claims requiring detailed evaluation.
“I have been in the field of communications transport systems and CCTV for over 30 years and have never met anyone who is more versed in the field.”